Multi-ingredient products for NSF/ANSI 305 - Oregon Tilth

Multi-ingredient products for NSF/ANSI 305

Why do I need to calculate the percentage of organic content in my product?

All NSF/ANSI 305 personal care products must be at least 70 percent organic. Formulations for multiple-ingredient products require a calculation of the organic percentage of the end product to determine compliance.

Do I need to include everything I use for my product in my calculations?

You don’t need to include processing aids in the weight of your organic ingredients or your combined ingredients. It’s important to understand the difference between a processing aid and an ingredient.

An ingredient is:

  • Any substance used in the preparation of an agricultural product that is still present in the final commercial product as consumed

A processing aid is:

  • A substance that is added to a product during the processing of the product, but is removed in some manner from the product before it is packaged in its finished form
  • A substance that is added to a product during processing, is converted into constituents normally present in the product and does not significantly increase the amount of the constituents naturally found in the product
  • A substance that is added to a product for its technical or functional effect in the processing but is present in the finished product at insignificant levels and does not have any technical or functional effect in that product

How do I calculate the percentage of organic content in my product?

  • Update your Master Ingredient List
    Determine the organic content of each of the individual ingredients that make up your product formulation. Use your Master Ingredient List (MIL) to track important information about all of your organic ingredients. Begin by checking the information on your MIL is updated with current supplier certificates. Along with your updated MIL, you’ll need a blank Product Formulation Sheet. Along with your updated MIL, you’ll need a blank Personal Care Product Formulation Sheet (Personal Care PFS).
  • Fill in the Product Formulation Sheet for your new product
    Using your MIL, copy all the organic ingredients for your product onto your Personal Care PFS. Make sure the ingredient name on your certificate matches the ingredient name on both sheets exactly (e.g. if the ingredient is listed on your MIL as “OG Aloe Vera” be sure to list the ingredient as “OG Aloe Vera” on your Personal Care PFS). After you have all of your organic ingredient information, list all non-organic ingredients that will be used in the product (excluding mined minerals, water and salt) within the Ingredient column of your Personal Care PFS.
  • List the percentage of organic content for your ingredients
    Organic percentage information is located on your MIL and your supplier certificate. Learn more about how to use and update your MIL to identify the percentage of organic content of your organic ingredients.
  • Calculate the percentage of organic content for your product
    The Personal Care PFS will use the information you’ve entered to calculate the percent organic content for your end product and determine your label.

What is the formula for calculating the percentage of organic content?

Percentages for organic calculations are always rounded down (e.g., 94.7 percent would be 94 percent). To determine the percentage of organic content in your multi-ingredient product, use the following formula:

Total net weight or volume of combined organic ingredients* / Total weight of all combined ingredients*

* Excludes mined minerals, salt and water

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