2022 Accredited Certifiers Association and National Organic Program Annual Training - Oregon Tilth

2022 Accredited Certifiers Association and National Organic Program Annual Training

February 14, 2022

Oregon Tilth is a proud member of The Accredited Certifiers Association (ACA). The ACA envisions a world in which the USDA Organic label is always trusted and valued. The ACA works to ensure consistent implementation of USDA Organic regulations through collaboration and education of accredited certification agencies through training, discussion and education opportunities. 

Oregon Tilth leaders participated in a range of sessions at the 2022 ACA and National Organic Program Annual Training in February. 

Connie Karr, Oregon Tilth Certification Director and ACA Chair, presented at the Strengthening Organic Enforcement session. 

Connie has worked in organic certification for over 20 years. She serves as the Certification Director for Oregon Tilth, working to oversee all aspects of the Certification program for Oregon Tilth Certified Organic (OTCO).

Connie has been a strong advocate for organic agriculture in a variety of ways for many years, presently serving as the chair of the Accredited Certifiers Association (ACA) and serving on the Board of Directors for Cascade Pacific Resource & Conservation Development. She remains dedicated to ensuring the integrity and sustainability of all things organic.

During this training, Connie accepted the 2022 National Organic Program Director’s Award on OTCO’s behalf in recognition of the team’s steadfast commitment to integrity.    

Leonard Freeman Jr. is the Managing Director for Oregon Tilth. Through his diverse professional and personal experience he is leading the charge and continuing his legacy for change across the nation. Oregon Tilth is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on making food and agriculture biologically sound and socially equitable through certification, education, and advocacy. Leonard presented the keynote and closing remarks with others at the Unlocking Our Potential: Challenging the Status Quo to Diversify and Strengthen the Organic Movement. 

Callie Uhan serves as the Technical Specialist for the Handling Program at Oregon Tilth. She has previous experience reviewing and inspecting (all scopes) for OTCO, and as a producer for both crop and handling operations. She obtained a B.S. in Horticulture Science specializing in Organic Crop Production from the University of Florida and a M.A. in Teaching from Western Oregon University. Callie spoke at the Communications is Key session, detailing OTCO’s success in bringing Inspectors on staff and more. In addition to these three Oregon Tilth leaders, we had over 35 other staff members participate in training, professional development, networking and learning opportunities provided by the ACA and NOP team.

Contact Information

Oregon Tilth Main Office
PO Box 368
Corvallis, OR 97339
Phone: (503) 378-0690
Toll Free: (877) 378-0690
Email: organic@tilth.org

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