SOE - Oregon Tilth

Oregon Tilth

Strengthening Organic Enforcement


Due to the USDA-NOP Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) Rule that went into effect on March 19, 2024, we are experiencing an increased volume of inquiries. Please allow 1-3 business days for a response. We are dedicated to providing you with the support and information you need and thank you for your patience during this busy period. Please email us at or call (541) 201-8042.

Strengthening Organic Enforcement or “SOE” is regulation from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP). SOE amends the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) organic regulations by strengthening oversight and enforcement of the production, handling, and sale of organic agricultural products. SOE protects integrity in the organic supply chain and builds consumer and industry trust in the USDA organic label by strengthening organic control systems, improving farm to market traceability, and providing robust enforcement of the USDA organic regulations.

Strengthening Organic Enforcement’s Impact

Certified operations: 

If you are currently certified organic you may expect more clarity and accountability for safeguarding the integrity of the organic supply chain. Organic producers will be required to: 

  • Improve record-keeping and have records readily available for onsite traceability and mass balance events
  • Deliver a fraud prevention plans explaining how your operation mitigates fraud and protects the organic integrity
  • Provide additional information with updated Organic System Plans; including but not limited to:
    • Producers:
      • If formed as a group to market product, Producer Groups must comply with increased oversight of their Internal Control Systems
    • Handlers:
      • Comply with nonretail labeling requirements to ensure auditability and traceability of nonretail organic products Utilize a new equation for the calculation of organic percentage
  • Verify products sourced from foreign countries are accompanied by a NOP Import Certificates upon entering the United States
  • Ensure key components of the organic supply chain that were previously exempt are seeking certification to avoid disruption in the organic supply chain
Uncertified entities in the supply chain:

Under SOE, a very important update to strengthen the organic supply chain  requires previously exempt and other new entities to be certified organic. If your operation is part of the organic supply chain, please talk to OTCO about organic certification.

  • Production 
  • Sellers 
  • Loaders 
  • Unloaders 
  • Storage 
  • Home Delivery 
  • Processing 
  • Packaging 
  • Exporters

If you are currently offering the above services, you are required to become certified organic. Please email us at or call (541) 201-8042.

Certifying Agents:

The new SOE holds certifying agents accountable to prevent fraud. At OTCO, we are implementing the new SOE with a focus on safeguarding the organic supply chain by:

  • Supporting operations with implementation of the new SOE regulations,
  • Ensuring our human capital is calibrated with appropriate qualifications and skills for providing premier organic certification services,
  • Increasing surveillance of complex supply chains to prevent risks to the organic integrity by performing additional inspections, sampling events, unannounced inspections, risk assessments and investigations.
  • Improving our certification process with new policies for adverse actions, including mediations, standardized issuance of organic certificates and much more.
  • Tightening our relationships with other certifiers to safeguard the traceability of the organic supply chain.

Unsure If You Need to Get Certified?
Use Our Certification Matrix.

If you have entities within your supply chain that are no longer exempt per the Strengthening Organic Enforcement regulations, you could be at risk of disruption to organic production and sales starting March 19, 2024. 

Organic Fraud Prevention

A cornerstone of SOE is ensuring organic integrity by mitigating fraud in the organic market. Fraud prevention in the organic market is essential for maintaining consumer trust, preserving market integrity, and protecting organic farms and businesses. Organic Fraud Prevention Plans (OFPPs) ensure that products adhere to organic principles, which support environmental sustainability, and help producers comply with regulations.

Organic Fraud Prevention Plan (OFPP) Resource Guide and Informational Webinar

SOE Webinars and Resources

Tilth is working on making changes throughout our processes. Over the next few months, operators  can expect webinars and resources on SOE from OTCO. We will provide clarity, answer questions, and present an overview of changes coming to OTCO organic certification (video series):

  1. Uncertified entities and processing
  2. Certificates: NOP Import Certificate & Certificates of Organic Operation
  3. Traceability of supply chains 
  4. Increased surveillance and updated Inspection requirements
  5. Strengthening Organic Enforcement: Assess Your Supply Chain

Additional Resources

SOE implementation timeline

Oregon Tilth Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) Timeline

The above timeline details Oregon Tilth’s implementation of the USDA’s Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) regulation from the NOP (NOP). We’ve outlined five phases to this year-long implementation.

For new entities, please contact  or call us at (541) 201-8042 for questions about your operation and how NOP SOE might impact you.