Calculate and Pay Fees - Oregon Tilth

Calculate and Pay Fees

Tools for payment


Calculate Fees: Choose to Pay Now or Later

Please note: If you choose to be invoiced, your information will be forwarded to our Finance Department, which will issue your invoice within the next week. To receive your invoice, add the product to cart and request the invoice at checkout.

Question {{ questions.length }}

You must answer this question to proceed

Are you a:

Has this organization ever been certified organic?

Are you currently certified by another agency?

Will you be maintaining your other certification?

In the following questions, please only indicate sales amounts for products/services you wish to have certified with OTCO.

What were the dates that certification was maintained?

Please indicate your operation type (check all that apply):

What are your gross sales of organic product from the previous year??


What is the time period of your sales report?

Are you applying as a multi-site operation, i.e. grower group?

A multi-site operation with demonstrated internal control system (a.k.a. cooperative or grower group) involves a centrally managed association of local growers producing similar crops using similar practices and marketing their products in common. For multi-site operations, an additional grower group fee is charged. This fee is calculated by taking the square root of the previous year's reported sales of gross organic product.

Are you requesting any of the following additional services?


What are your gross sales of organic product from the previous year??


What is the time period of your sales report?

Are you requesting any of the following additional services?


Are you requesting certification for:

How many locations to be certified?

Would you like to certify:

How many stores/departments to be certified?

Please indicate your operation type.

Choose the option that represents the majority (i.e. more than 50%) of your revenue.

This option represents most operations that physically handle and manufacture organic products. This category includes companies that process their own products, and/or produce retail products packaged for the end user (including livestock feed) and products offered in bulk by retailers. This category also includes activities such as seed cleaning as well as fruit, fiber or vegetable packing, consolidating and/or packaging.

This option is primarily for brokers, marketers, brand owners and co-packers who take little to no physical handling of the products. This category includes the production of food ingredients and fiber inputs intended for further processing prior to retail packaging and/or sale. Co-packing occurs at facilities that manufacture processed products for another company. Co-packer sales are based on the sale of organic product or fees received for production services as applicable. This category also includes brokers who do not pack or process product. Brokers who do not pack, process or physically handle organic product can figure their reported sales by deducting the cost of organic goods from the reported amount.

What are your gross sales of organic product from the previous year??


What is the time period of your sales report?

Are you requesting certification for:

Would you like to request OPT - Grass Fed Certification?

Would you like to request European Union assessment?


How many facilities are you requesting to be included in your certification for NSF 305?

What are the total number of NSF SKUs submitted for product review?

How many facilities are you requesting to be included in your certification for GOTS??

Are you requesting expedited services?

Which of the following applications would you like to expedite?

An expedited fee of $3000 per program will be added to your invoice in order to provide you with expedited services. Only one expedited fee per program is charged. If you are a dual farmer/processor, we advise expediting both but please be aware that choosing expedited will result in the extra fee associated with both. Uncheck those you do not wish to expedite.

Assessed Fee Amount
Base Certification Fee {{ fees.baseCertificationFee | currency }}
Grower Group Fee {{ fees.growerGroupFee | currency }}
EU Assessment Fee {{ fees.euAssessmentFee | currency }}
OPT Grass Fed Fee {{ fees.optGrassFedFee | currency }}
Salmon Safe Fee billed at inspection
Livestock Fee {{ fees.livestockFee | currency }}
New Applicant Fee {{ fees.newApplicantFee | currency }}
GOTS Facility Fees {{ fees.gotsFacilityFees | currency }}
NSF Facility Fees {{ fees.nsfFacilityFees | currency }}
NSF Label Fees {{ fees.nsfLabelFees | currency }}
Expedited Fees {{ fees.expeditedFees | currency }}
Total Due {{ getTotalDue | currency }}

Total Amount

{{ getTotalDue | currency }}

Pay Fees

We offer a number of convenient options and tools for making a payment to Oregon Tilth. You can pay for an invoice online using your debit or credit card, make payments for your approved payment plan and more. Need additional help understanding your fees? Use our calculator tool above.

  • Step 1: If you have one, enter the invoice number — found on the top left of your mailed statement — in the payment option below
  • Step 2: Insert the total amount you wish to pay
  • Step 3: Click “add to cart” and follow the directions to proceed to check out
