Certification to the EU organic standards - Oregon Tilth

Certification to the EU organic standards

Oregon Tilth offers services to evaluate certified crop and handling operations to the European Union (EU) organic standard.

What are the benefits to complying with the EU organic regulations?

OTCO certified operators based in the U.S. comply with the National Organic Program (NOP) and as part of NOP certification, operators are eligible to export to the EU under the guidance of equivalency trade arrangements. Operators in the U.S. are not required to apply to the EU Organic Certification Program.

OTCO certified operators based in Mexico are located in a country where no equivalency trade arrangement exists with the EU. For these operators, OTCO offers an EU Organic Certification program that is recognized by the European Commission. Operators that fully comply with EU organic regulations can export to the EU.

How do I apply for EU organic certification?

For operators located in Mexico, review the current Regulation (EU) 2018/848 -rules on organic production and labelling of organic products to ensure your operation is compliant. You will then undergo a full inspection and audit to EU 2018/848 and the applicable regulations with a declaration of compliance issued upon successful review.

How do I find the most up-to-date version of the EU Regulations?

Beginning January 1, 2022, OTCO has applied for accreditation to the EU 2018/848 regulations. OTCO is transitioning operators from a private equivalency recognition to a full compliance certification. Operators currently compliant to OTCO IACB Equivalency Standards (EU 834/2007), shall transition to full compliance with the EU 2018/848 regulations by January of 2025.

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