USDA National Organic Program and personal care products - Oregon Tilth

USDA National Organic Program and personal care products

What is the USDA National Organic Program (NOP)?

The 1990 Organic Foods Production Act created the USDA NOP and a single set of rules that govern the production, labeling and marketing of organic products in the U.S.

To become certified to this standard, personal care product operators must undergo a thorough evaluation and review by a USDA-accredited third-party certifier like OTCO.

Can I certify my personal care product to the NOP?

Yes. A personal care product is eligible for review under the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards. The product cannot contain unapproved non-food ingredients or use different, unapproved manufacturing processes than allowed for organic food products.

What organic claims can I make with the NOP standard?

USDA NOP certified organic products claim categories are: “100 percent organic,” “organic” and “made with organic” depending on the percentage of organic content in your product(s).

What non-organic ingredients are allowed for NOP products?

If you want to use any non-agricultural ingredients, they must be listed on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances for approved use. All non-agricultural ingredients not listed for approved use disqualify your eligibility for USDA NOP certification but allow you to pursue NSF/ANSI 305 certification.

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