OPT Grass-Fed Organic Certification Seal - Oregon Tilth

OPT Grass-Fed Organic Certification Seal

Who can use the OPT Grass-Fed Organic seal?

The OPT Certified Grass-Fed Organic seal is only available for OPT Certified Grass-Fed Organic-certified clients in good standing.

How do I request the OPT Grass-Fed Organic seal?

To use the OPT Certified Grass-Fed Organic seal on any labeling, packaging or marketing materials other than the OPT certificate, you must complete and sign a licensing agreement with OPT. Contact the OPT Program Director at ltonti@organicplustrust.com.

A fee for use of the seal shall be assessed and collected from each certified operation that uses the seal on product packaging, labeling or point of sale information. A fee exception is made for certified operations selling less than $15,000 per year of combined products certified to this program’s meat or dairy standard.

Are there special labeling requirements for using the OPT seal?

Labeling and composition requirements are outlined in your OPT Program Manual. A few highlights include:

  • Single-ingredient products composed of dairy or meat produced or derived from animals on operations certified to this program shall be labeled: “Certified Grass-Fed Organic Dairy ” or “Certified Grass-Fed Organic Meat .”
  • Multi-ingredient products containing livestock ingredients certified to OPT requirements should be labeled according to the USDA standards appropriate to the category and the placement of the labeling language outlined above shall be applied analogously to the use of the word “organic” under the USDA NOP.
  • If a multi-ingredient product meeting the program’s requirements is composed of 70 to 94 percent ingredients, it may be labeled “Contains Certified Grass-Fed Organic [ingredient described]” provided the remaining content of the product complies with organic requirements. In no case shall it contain the same ingredient certified to this program’s standard and a portion not certified to this program’s standard.

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