Organic Livestock & Poultry Standards (OLPS) Rule Changes Explained - Oregon Tilth

Organic Livestock & Poultry Standards (OLPS) Rule Changes Explained

March 6, 2025

As most livestock operations know, the NOP (National Organic Program) made important changes to the livestock and poultry standards. These changes, called the Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards (OLPS) rule were published on November 2, 2023, and most of the new rules took effect on January 2, 2025.

Because Oregon Tilth included most of the OLPS rules into our livestock policies when they were first proposed as part of the 2017 Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices (OLPP) rule (that was later canceled in 2018), most livestock operations we certify are already following OLPS. Some poultry operations, however, may need to add exit areas to their poultry houses by 2029.

Since most livestock farms and handlers already meet OLPS rules, only a few Organic System Plan (OSP) updates are needed. During 2025 inspections, inspectors will ask some questions to gather the information for Certification Officers to make the required changes to the OSP. Farms and handlers certified before January 2, 2025 will get copies of their updated OSPs with their 2025 certification decision letter. Please review the updated OSPs carefully to make sure everything is correct.

A summary of regulation changes:

Ruminant and Mammalian Livestock Rules:

  • Health care – Monitoring lameness, updates on physical alterations, following humane euthanasia steps, giving medications, preventing parasites, and recordkeeping for these activities.
  • Living conditions – Year-round outdoor access requirements, housing and shelter for young animals, bedding, resting areas, and rules for pigs (swine) to root.
  • Transportation and slaughter (new) – Identifying animals (livestock ID) and making sure they’re fit for transport, providing bedding when needed, rules for long trips (over 8 hours), and following slaughter rules. If applicable, FSIS humane slaughter rules and records must be followed.
  • Handling – These changes also apply to places that handle livestock, like brokers, auction yards, and processors.

Poultry/Avian Rules:

  • Health care – rules for physical alterations, monitoring lameness and following humane euthanasia steps. No forced molting allowed, and there must be a plan for handling parasites.
  • Living conditions (new) – requirements for outdoor access, indoor space, stocking density, soil and vegetation, perch space, exit areas, checking and recording ammonia levels, natural and artificial lighting, rules for temporary confinement, and managing manure.
  • Transportation and slaughter – requirements for transport plans for trips longer than 8 hours, following FSIS rules, and rules for slaughtering poultry.

There are exceptions for currently certified organic chicken operations that were certified before January 2, 2025. These include outdoor space, soil and vegetation requirements for layers and broilers, indoor space requirements (stocking density) for broilers, and exit areas for both. These exceptions last until January 2, 2029: § 205.241(c)(2), (c)(4), and (c)(5) and §  205.241(b)(4).

This is just a summary of the changes to the NOP standards. To see the full text, click here:

Download the OLPS Fact Sheet

All livestock farmers should learn about these changes and make sure their farm follows the rules.

If you have any questions after reading the NOP standard changes, contact your client services team.

Contact Information

Oregon Tilth Main Office
PO Box 368
Corvallis, OR 97339
Phone: (503) 378-0690
Toll Free: (877) 378-0690

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