Certification Renewal


Next steps for your renewal

Complete your renewal

Thank you for submitting your Certification Renewal!

We’re so grateful for your partnership and commitment to being an Oregon Tilth Certified Organic business. A copy of your renewal has been sent to the email you provided.

What’s next?
Your renewal can’t be considered complete until payment of the annual certification fees has been submitted to OTCO.

If you already submitted payment: thank you! You’re all set and will receive a renewal confirmation letter in the next few days. Otherwise, please use our online tool to calculate fees, request an invoice, and make a secure electronic payment.
Calculate and Pay Fees
If you need help calculating your fees or setting up a payment plan, contact our team at (503) 378-0690. We’re here for you.

Review your Organic System Plan (OSP)
Now is a great time to revisit your OSP. See if anything’s changed or if you need to fill in any incomplete info. In fact, updating your OSP each year is a necessity! Your updates help our team make sure that there are no surprises, and all certification requirements are met. You can view your current OSP by logging into your MYOTCO account or by contacting your dedicated services team to have it sent to you.

Need help with submitting an update or managing your OSP?
Our Help Center provides articles, common OSP update shortcuts, and any blank forms you might need. No need to wait for the right moment. The Help Center is up-to-date and available whenever you’re ready.

Contact us
You probably know them by name — and by color — but our client service teams are ready to answer your questions. Don’t hesitate to ask for help!