NOSB Comments: 2018 Sunset Materials, Proposed Annotation Changes, Petitioned Materials
A data compilation of materials related to the 2018 sunset review for the NOSB Crop and Livestock...
NOSB Comments: Sodium Lactate and Potassium Lactate
Comments for the Handling Subcommittee regarding concerns about how the proposal does not address another lactate salt that is briefly mentioned or alluded to in past NOP memos: calcium...
NOSB Comments: Ancillary Substances Procedure
Comments for the Handling Subcommittee regarding the the ancillary substances procedure proposal that provides transparency to certified operations so it is clear on what is permitted and what is...
NOSB Comments: 2018 Sunset Materials, Proposed Annotation Changes, Petitioned Materials
A data compilation of materials related to the 2018 sunset review for the NOSB Handling...
NOP Comments: Origin of Livestock
Oregon Tilth submitted comments to the National Organic Program regarding the Origin of Livestock proposed rule...
USDA Public Comments on Genetic Contamination and Coexistence
Genetic contamination of seed and products is a top concern in the organic and non-GE farming and food sectors, presenting formidable challenges due to the way genetically engineered crops perpetuate...
Testimony to the Oregon House Committee on Rural Communities, Land Use and Water
Testimony for the Oregon House Committee on Rural Communities, Land Use and Water for HB2674 and HB2675 regarding gaps in the current federal regulatory framework for genetically engineered (GE)...
Comments on the National Organic Program Draft Guidance 5020: Natural Resources and Biodiversity Conservation for Certified Organic Operations
Oregon Tilth submitted comments to the National Organic Program (NOP) Draft Guidance 5020 on Natural Resources and Biodiversity Conservation for Certified Operations. Oregon Tilth strongly believes...