Commercial availability search - Oregon Tilth

Commercial availability search

In your search for certified organic seed or planting stock, you might run into situations where there is none commercially available.

What if I can’t find my seed or planting stock certified organic?

When searching, you must determine the availability of an equivalent variety — seeds or planting stock with your organic system’s required growing habits, disease and insect resistance, days to maturity, etc.

What if I can’t find suitable certified organic varieties, period?

If you can’t find seeds or planting stock in the appropriate form, quality, or quantity, then you may be eligible to use a non-organic version. Your search must include results from at least three trusted and reasonable sources. Cost is not an acceptable reason for commercial unavailability.

What do I need to document to demonstrate that I can’t find certified organic options?

We require thorough records of your search efforts and findings. This may include a detailed phone log, printouts of emails or other correspondence with seed companies, etc. You must be prepared to provide an explanation on unmet qualities for your desired organic version of seed or planting stock. Your records must be organized and available for review during your annual inspection.

What about annual transplants (seedlings)?

All annual transplants (seedlings) must be certified organic. When purchasing annual transplants growers must verify and maintain current National Organic Program (NOP) certificates from suppliers and have purchase invoices showing the transplants purchased are certified organic.

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