Prevention of ingredients commingling

What is commingling?

Commingling is defined as the contact of organic products with non-organic products.

What are some risk areas for commingling?

In particular, split operations (operations that handle both organic and non-organic products) are at much higher risk for commingling.

Areas we often flag include:

  • Facility co-storing organic and conventional ingredients
  • Reuse of containers that store organic and non-organic product
  • Equipment used for both organic and non-organic products

What are some strategies to prevent commingling?

Each operation will need to meet unique needs with appropriate commingling prevention strategies. Start by identifying your risk areas and actions. Common strategies for commingling prevention include:

  • Clear designation of storage areas for organic products
  • Clear and consistent labeling
  • Staff education and awareness
  • Plans for elimination and removal of cleaning and sanitizing residue
  • Dedicated equipment for organic products


Check out WSDA’s Preventative Practices for Organic Handlers video for examples of commingling prevention.

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