Storage and Transport
What are the labeling requirements for containers used to store or transport nonretail/bulk products?
Nonretail containers used to ship or store certified organic agricultural products must:
1) Display the identification of the product as organic and
2) The production lot number, shipping identification, or other unique information that links the container to audit trail documentation.
Do I need to use a certified transporter?
No. You don’t need to use a certified organic transporter provided your product is sealed and clearly labeled prior to transporter receipt. It cannot be repackaged, relabeled or processed in any way — including use of restricted atmospheric controls — throughout the time of transport.
What do I need to know about on-farm crop storage?
If you store your crop(s) on-site, you’ll need to implement practices to prevent your crop(s) from commingling or becoming contaminated with non-organic products or prohibited materials.
What do I need to know about off-farm crop storage?
If you are using an off-farm location for crop storage, you must use a certified organic facility for your crop(s).
Are there any exceptions for using an uncertified storage facility?
It’s possible an uncertified storage site may be eligible to be used, provided (1) products are in sealed and tamper evident packaging prior to the facility’s receipt of delivery; (2) products remain in the same package or container at the facility; (3) products are not repacked or re-labeled while under control of the facility; and, (4) the storage facility successfully completes an Independent Storage Information Sheet & Off-Site Storage (IS) form. The use of off-site storage locations must be disclosed in your Organic System Plan (OSP).
Am I allowed to store crops in a treated wood building on my farm?
Crops may be stored in a treated wood building only if not coming into contact with the treated wood. You must provide and document an appropriate barrier — distance, storage bins, etc. — and observe additional requirements for treated wood as needed.
Check out our quick tips video about preventing contamination with crop storage:
Forms & Documents
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