Inspection costs
How much will my inspection cost?
The cost of your inspection will vary according to a number of factors including the size of the operation, location, inspector and preparedness of records. The full cost will be determined following the completion of your inspection and write up of the inspection report.
In general, the inspection fees include:
- An inspector’s time preparing, reviewing and completing the inspection report
- If performing an in-site inspection, all travel expenses including transport, lodging, and meals
- An administrative fee equal to 10 percent of the total cost of inspection
Whenever possible, OTCO attempts to combine inspection visits of operations in the same area to divide and minimize travel-related expenses.
Is there a cancellation fee if I need to reschedule my inspection?
Canceling an inspection with less than one (1) weeks notice from the date of the scheduled inspection will result in the assessment of any reimbursable expenses — i.e., travel expenses — incurred on the planned trip as well as inspector preparation time. If no other inspections are scheduled for your area, you will be assessed 100 percent of the reimbursable expenses and inspector preparation time. We understand you might be subject to unforeseen, challenging circumstances. We will accommodate situations on a case-by-case basis and ask for notification as soon as you are able to contact us.
Will I need to pay inspection fees again if I require a second inspection?
Yes. If additional scheduled inspections are required to demonstrate compliance or add new fields, sites or facilities, OTCO will bill for the inspection fee plus an additional 25 percent administration fee.
Do I have to pay for an unannounced inspection?
No. Additional fees are not assessed for unannounced inspections.