Organic crop recordkeeping templates
Getting started with recordkeeping can be a big task. In addition to setting up how you want to organize your records, having good templates that cover all of the necessary information is key.
Where can I find organic crop recordkeeping templates?
The USDA has made several recordkeeping templates available for use on your farm.
Recordkeeping Templates for Organic Crop Farmers (USDA)
Templates include: field history/previous land use, land-use history verification, farm activity log sheet, farm activity calendar, planting and harvest record, crop rotation record, material application record, compost production, manure application/crop harvest, seed stock suppliers, seed treatments, harvest record, farmers market/farm stand sales, harvest plan, community supported agriculture harvest, harvest instructions, storage inventory, equipment cleaning log, clean transport affidavit, buffer zone crops, adjoining land use, and a neighbor notification letter.