Oregon Tilth Certified Transitional - Oregon Tilth

Oregon Tilth Certified Transitional

When can I use the Oregon Tilth Certified Transitional logo?

Use of the Oregon Tilth Certified Transitional logo on packaging is allowed for operations certified by our transitional program.

Can I use the word organic on my transitional label?

You may not use the word organic or the USDA organic seal with the Oregon Tilth Certified Transitional logo anywhere on your product’s principal display panel.

Can I change the color, fonts or shape of the transitional logo?

No modifications to the Oregon Tilth Certified Transitional logo are allowed.

Where can I download the Oregon Tilth Certified Transitional logo?

You can download the Oregon Tilth Certified Transitional Logo in our logos section. Once you have finalized your label composition, submit it to OTCO for review and approval prior to use.

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