Add livestock certification
Adding livestock to your organic crop certification will require an on-site inspection by an organic inspector, possibly at the time of your annual inspection if your request is done with enough advance notice.
What is the cost of adding livestock certification?
There is a $250 annual fee for the livestock certification scope. We request payment at the time of your livestock addition request.
What if I need to add land for livestock use?
Follow the steps for adding new land for pasture or outdoor access for livestock. If a livestock addition will change your crop OSP, be sure to update it as well as your C6 worksheet (section 6.2).
What livestock processing or transport activities require additional info?
No matter what livestock you want to add, you’ll need to complete forms for livestock processing and/or transport if you or a contracted party do any of the following:
- Sell organic products, including live animals
- Milk animals, cool or store milk
- Mix, mill or grind livestock feed for use
- Wash or pack eggs
- Slaughter animals
- Cool, age, cut or wrap meat
- Process fibers
- Transport organic livestock
Forms & Documents
L8 Livestock Sales Labeling Transport and Handling
C6 Natural Resources Biodiversity
Download the above and submit it to your client service team.
How do I add ruminant mammals (e.g., cattle, sheep, goats, etc.)?
To request the addition of ruminant mammals with an existing crop certification, fill out the forms below to build your livestock OSP.
Forms & Documents
L2M Livestock Products Origin (Mammals)
L3R Ruminant Livestock Feed
L4 Livestock Healthcare
L9 Livestock Recordkeeping
L10 Livestock Materials
Download the above and submit it to your client service team.
How do I add non-ruminant, non-avian mammals (e.g., pigs, rabbits, etc.)?
To request the addition of non-ruminant, non-avian mammals with an existing crop certification, fill out the forms below to build your livestock OSP.
Forms & Documents
L2M Livestock Products Origin (Mammals)
L3NR Nonruminant Livestock Feed
L4 Livestock Healthcare
L9 Livestock Recordkeeping
L10 Livestock Materials
Download the above and submit it to your client service team.
How do I add avian species (e.g., chickens, turkeys, etc.)?
To request the addition of avian species with an existing crop certification, fill out the forms below to build your livestock OSP.
Forms & Documents
L2P Livestock Products Origin (Poultry)
L3NR Nonruminant Livestock Feed
L4 Livestock Healthcare
L5A Livestock Living Conditions (Avian)
L9 Livestock Recordkeeping
L10 Livestock Materials
Download the above and submit it to your client service team.