Origin of Livestock Regulation Update
The Origin of Livestock (OOL) Final Rule was effective on June 6, 2022 as published in the Federal Register. The implementation date of this new portion of the regulation (NOP §205.236) is April 5, 2023. The OOL Final Rule ensures all organic dairy producers use the same transition practices to establish more consistency in the industry and increased fairness in the organic market.
All certified operations must be in compliance with the updated regulations outlined at NOP §205.236 by April 5, 2023.

OOL Highlights:
NOP §205.236(a), (b) & (d) – Transitioning dairy cattle into organic production may only occur once for those operations that are not currently certified for livestock production and have not transitioned dairy cattle in the past. The updated regulation also outlines new requirements for transitioning dairy cattle, including when it is compliant to feed third year transitional feed. Transitioned animals may no longer be purchased/sourced with certified organic status, unless a temporary variance is granted by the NOP. Only animals that are certified organic from the last third of gestation may be purchased/sourced and retain their certified organic status. Limited Temporary Variance options for sourcing transitioned animals are outlined at NOP §205.236(d.)
NOP §205.236(c) – Confirms recordkeeping requirements needed to maintain the identity of all organic animals, which includes the animal(s) status: Transitioned vs Slaughter Eligible.