Costing Basics for Multi-Crop Vegetable Farms
Watch this 4-part video series to learn how to estimate your crop specific costs of production and how to use cost information to make decisions aimed at improving the profitability …...
Posthavest On-Farm Wash Water Videos
Community Alliance with Family Farmers compiled a series of videos and resources to answer common postharvest questions related to wash...
Organic Sound and Sensible Video Series: Recordkeeping
Keeping accurate records is crucial for any business. Find out what types of records are required for organic certification and how they will be evaluated during the certification process. This...
Organic Sound and Sensible Video Series: Steps to Certification
Organic Certification doesn’t have to be daunting. Explore the five key steps in the organic certification process. This Sound and Sensible Organic Certification video series, filmed in Washington...
Organic Sound and Sensible: Preventative Practices
Managing weed, insect and disease pests on an organic farm requires addressing potential problems before they arise. Preventative practices start with crop rotation and good soil management...
Organics and Conservation: Growing Trends in Sustainable Agriculture
An informational video featuring Fred Kirschenmann of the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, Lisa Sedlar of New Seasons Market and Mace Vaughan of the Xerces...