Taking Stock: Analyzing and Reporting Organic Research Investments, 2002 - 2014 - Oregon Tilth

August 18, 2016 | Source: Organic Farming Research Foundation | Format: Reports & Publications

Taking Stock: Analyzing and Reporting Organic Research Investments, 2002 – 2014

This in depth analysis of programs funded from 2002-2014 by the USDA Organic Research and Extension Initiative (OREI) and Organic Transitions (ORG) competitive research grant programs offers an unprecedented assessment of the progress these programs have made in addressing critical research needs, and also provides recommendations for future research investments by USDA.

Oregon Tilth served on the advisory committee for the research project.

For the report, OFRF and a team of advisors analyzed 189 organic agriculture research, education, and extension projects on a range of organic farming topics, finding that many of the projects delivered valuable information and tools to organic producers, while others laid the groundwork for future outcomes, including research data, new methods, and advanced plant breeding lines.

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