Transitioning to Organic Production - Oregon Tilth

April 8, 2016 | Source: USDA NRCS Science and Techology + Oregon Tilth | Format: Webinar

Transitioning to Organic Production

This webinar was presented in partnership with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) – Science and Technology National Technology Support Centers.

This webinar explores the challenges producers face when transitioning part or all of their operation to organic certification. Case studies are used to profile and discuss different producer groups that are successful in the transition from conventional production to organic. This presentation introduces participants to Making the Transition to Organic: Ten Farmer Profiles, a publication from the University of Minnesota that features both crop and livestock producers. The basics of organic certification are also discussed.


  • Robert King, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota
  • Drew Katz, Transition Services Coordinator, Oregon Tilth

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