FAQ: Organic Check-off - Oregon Tilth

March 27, 2015 | Format: Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ: Organic Check-off

Oregon Tilth is committed to providing educational resources to its stakeholders to make informed decisions. Please note the following is in response to inquiries from clients and members seeking clarification about the proposed Organic Check-off Program.

This information is up-to-date as of March 27, 2015.

Please note: It is Oregon Tilth’s understanding that a final draft version of the proposal would be posted for review on-line prior to submission to the USDA for additional evaluation. After any proposal is submitted to the USDA, there would also be an open public comment period to weigh in on the proposal and give feedback and recommendations more directly to the USDA. The Organic Trade Association (OTA) has authored preliminary proposals and led discussion sessions in advance of submission of a formal proposal to USDA.

Why create an FAQ about the check-off program?
The FAQ is designed to help provide answers to questions about its proposed structure and administration from known information, published media stories and listening sessions held at conferences.

What if the FAQ doesn’t answer one of my questions?
We realize that you might still have other questions and we’re not clear on all of the details either. At this moment, there is not a formal, released-to-the-public proposal for evaluation. We expect to be able to provide clarification to unknowns when a formal proposal is released.

What’s next?
A formal proposal still needs to be submitted to the USDA for review. Afterwards, our understanding is that there would be opportunities to help shape and inform a final proposal, in addition to an open period for public comments and direct feedback. Oregon Tilth will continue to monitor developments to keep you updated with new information and identify opportunities for engagement in feedback to the USDA.

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