National Organic Certification Cost Share Program - Oregon Tilth

National Organic Certification Cost Share Program

Organic Certification Cost Share funding has been restored to the higher level of 75% of the cost of certification up to $750 per scope! The deadline to apply is October 31, 2024. Cost share assistance covers expenses including application fees, inspection costs, fees related to equivalency agreement and arrangement requirements, inspector travel expenses, user fees, sales assessments and postage. Eligible OCCSP applicants include any certified organic producers or handlers who have paid organic certification fees to a USDA-accredited certifying agent.    


How to Apply 

Producers and handlers may apply to USDA FSA County offices.

Don’t wait until the last minute!  You can apply anytime after you have reached the maximum funding level.  

To apply through FSA, you can find an FSA county office near you

State agencies may have a different application process than FSA; applicants should refer to their state agency’s requirements and ensure they are using the correct application form.

Applicants cannot receive duplicate benefits from both FSA and a State agency.

Applicants must typically submit a one-page application form, W-9 tax form (to participating state agencies), proof of certification and an itemized invoice of certification expenses.

Oregon Tilth is happy to provide copies of invoices for fees paid and certificates (when applicable) for the clients we certify. Contact us at for assistance.


Oregon Tilth had long advocated for Cost Share as it helps reduce the expense of certification and is especially important to smaller, midsized, and historically underserved communities. We will continue to advocate for improvements to the program this year to ensure it continues to support organic producers.


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