Big Questions, Answered: Buffer Zones - Oregon Tilth

March 30, 2016 | Source: Oregon Tilth | Format: Big Questions Answered

Big Questions, Answered: Buffer Zones

Understanding the best practices for how to implement buffer zones on your farm can be confusing and it can be challenging to know how to use buffers as an on-farm resource.

Our latest BigQA is designed to give tips on the ins and outs of when (and why) you need to have buffer areas on your farm. In addition, we’ve included links to resources that will help you know when your buffer area is meeting (or not) the requirements of your unique situation.

We’ve also included a short tips guide for using buffer zones as a way to meet NOP guidance requirements for conserving natural resources and promoting biodiversity on your farm. From a refuge for beneficial insects and pollinators to reducing soil erosion from wind, these on-farm wildlife habitats can bring great benefits to your production.

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