Sourcing Organic Ingredients for Food Processing FAQ
Sourcing ingredients for organic processing is sometimes a challenge. Often a convergence of variables impacts how various organic ingredients are sourced and subsequently processed to suit product...
Organic Literacy Initiative
The Organic Literacy Initiative is designed to help connect current and prospective organic farmers, ranchers, and processors with appropriate USDA resources. This package of training and outreach...
Organic Practice Guide
A guide for soil management techniques, strategies and inputs from the Organic Materials Review Institute. Covers soil fertility management, nutrient management, pest, disease and weed management,...
Organic Conservation Cross-Training Series: Vegetable Farm Management Training Materials
A case study of key planning steps and analysis undertaken by 82-acre Mustard Seed Farm in St. Paul, Oregon that produces organic vegetables for wholesale, retail and community supported agriculture...
Organic Conservation Cross-Training Series: Dairy Management Training Materials
A case study of key planning steps and analysis undertaken by Double J Jerseys, an organic dairy farm in Monmouth, Oregon. The farm includes 560 acres of pasture and hayland, …...
Organic Conservation Cross-Training Series: Grain Farm Management Training Materials
A case study of key planning steps and analysis undertaken by 14-acre organic research farm at Washintgon State University that produces organic alfalfa, orchard grass, peas, triticale and wheat. The...
Organic Conservation Cross-Training Series: Fruit Farm Management Training Materials
A case study of key planning steps and analysis undertaken by Hi Point Orchard in Mesa, Washington for transition to organic management of apricots, peaches and nectarines. The study discusses...
Can I Use this Fertilizer on My Organic Farm?
Information for growers and agricultural professionals on the requirements for fertility and crop nutrient management regarding compliance with the USDA National Organic Program...
National Organic Program Summary
This summary was prepared to help agricultural professionals understand the basic requirements of organic certification. It is not comprehensive and is not a substitute for the regulatory text....